The commission is now investigating the matter. Matthew Lani released from custody as charges against him dropped Content posted by Matthew Lani was 'for entertainment', says his lawyer Social media law expert warns against misrepresenting qualifications online In October, Lani was caught at the Helen Joseph Hospital wearing a stethoscope, allegedly to shoot content for his TikTok account, where he pretended to be a medical doctor. Since then, Lani said there was a circular from the Department of Health for him to be prohibited from entering any of its facilities. SAHRC Gauteng manager Zamantungwa Mbeki said they were investigating if Lani's rights to life and medical care were being violated. "It doesn't matter who he is, or anybody is. Anybody deprived of medication that they're supposed to be having, they not supposed to be having these challenges in accessing their medicines, particularly for the reasons he has alleged were given to him." Mbeki said they received correspondence from the Department of Health saying that it was investigating the matter.
Source: EWN