"We gave 5,580 children vitamin A while 52 children were given nutritional supplements," Meth said. Meanwhile, the province had also distributed 1.22 million male condoms, 39,412 female condoms and tested 16,782 for HIV. "Of those tested, 252 people tested positive with 216 initiated on treatment ART She said a total of 1,943 people were initiated on PrEP preexposure prophylaxis to reduce their chance of getting HIV infection. "Because we cannot talk about HIV without talking about TB, we can report that 45,297 people were tested for TB with 1,807 people positive TB symptoms found. "We also collected 1,295 TB specimens. We also screen 23,527 people for hypertension with 262 referred. "A total of 24,474 were screed for diabetes with 209 referred for diabetes. At the same time, our officials screened 1,574 people for asthma with 31 of those referred," the MEC said.
Source: The Herald