Police also arrested alleged looters and more than 50 alleged instigators. Some of the cases are pending in the Durban High Court, the Verulam Magistrate's Court and the Durban Magistrate's Court. The killings in Phoenix stirred up racial tensions between the Indian and African communities, and the killings were labelled the "Phoenix Massacre". In November 2021, the SAHRC started its hearings. Its panel listened to testimonies from survivors, community members, business owners, private security personnel and state officials. It also invited communities and organisations to make submissions on how the unrest affected them. In an interview with the Sunday Tribune, sister newspaper of POST, Philile Ntuli, SAHRC commissioner, said: "We had our last testimony in June 2022. We are evaluating all the evidence to answer some of the questions, including whether we are able to avoid the situation that we saw in 2021." Wisani Baloyi, SAHRC communications manager told POST: "The release date of the report will depend on the extent of the inputs to the provisional report we receive from stakeholders."
Source: Post